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Dark Demands 4 - Bound to Him (Dark Demands Series) Page 2

What must it have taken for him to admit that – to give away something of his emotions when he always insisted on keeping such a tight reign on them?

  “And what’s this?” He asked without looking down and running a single finger slowly across her swollen belly.

  “Get off me,” Gina jumped and spat back. “Don’t you dare put your hands on me or my child again,” she warned.

  “Whoa, girl,” he said laughing and raised both his hands in the air. “Calm down – that was just a friendly gesture – that’s all.”

  Oh no it wasn’t – he’s doing it again – he knows you’re helpless against him – he’s testing you.

  “I’m sorry I can’t stop and chat now, Matthew. I’m with someone,” she replied flicking her bewildered, blue eyes towards the room she’d just left.

  “That would be the lucky Mr Hastings I presume, “he smirked. “Which, I have to say, surprises me because I wouldn’t have thought he was your type, Gina.”

  “You know nothing – and you certainly know nothing about my type of man, Matthew Dark,” she parried.

  “Oh I think I do. I think I know your type of man very well,” he told her dryly.

  Gina glowered at him and walked away towards the corridor where the cloakrooms were.

  “Come with me,” he asked following on her heels. “Come and talk to me – just for a few minutes. I don’t want things to be difficult between us.”

  “Difficult Matthew,” she said stopping and facing him again. “Things are always going to be difficult between us because of what you did – remember - all those things you did to me?”

  “Yes I do remember and I also remember your reaction,” he said taking her hand. “Like I said – I’ve missed you and with your appetites I know you’ll have missed me. You’ll have missed what we shared.” He smirked at her again as his mind filled of images of her naked and tied and how it had felt to take her that way. “All that red hot sex we shared, remember,” he teased. “You must miss the way I tormented you, the way I took you – hard and passionate,” he chuckled watching her lovely face flush at the memories he was dredging up. Memories Gina had tried very, very hard to bury. “Because I doubt the straight laced Kyle Hastings has ever made you feel like that. In fact I doubt he would even consider doing any of the things I did to your delectable body, would he?”

  “No, he wouldn’t and I wouldn’t want him to either,” she insisted. “Kyle loves me and I love him. We’re getting married next month – before our baby is born,” she added with a triumphant little smile. “So leave me alone. I don’t want to speak to you again.”

  “Half an hour – give me half an hour and if you still feel the same I promise I won’t bother you again.”

  He looked so damned handsome, so utterly gorgeous and there was something else. Gina wasn’t sure but there was just the shadow of real emotion in those dark eyes of his. Was she right? Had the controlling Matthew Dark finally decided he wanted her – really wanted her for keeps?

  Gina fluttered her eyes closed as her heart leapt with desire wishing it was so. But given the type of man he was that was highly unlikely – so this was disastrous. She should stop this now - shut him out and keep him out because she couldn’t afford to show him any weakness. But could she really do that? Half an hour - his offer was so tempting and part of her was screaming at her to go with him – clear things up – set things straight at last. But Gina knew that’s not what would happen. The moment he had her alone he’d seduce her again – he make her submit – he’d do those things again - and then she’d be lost.

  “I can’t Matthew,” she whispered softly. “I’m pregnant so I can’t let you ….”

  “Oh I see. So that’s the way it is, is it? The truth is I can’t have you because you’re pregnant – not because you’re madly in love with Hastings?” He laughed and shook his head. “That nervous little slip you just made is very revealing, Gina. You don’t really care about Hastings at all, do you? You’re just deluding yourself – you’re still in love with me, aren’t you?”

  Gina shot him a look. He’d never mentioned love before and now, here he was, accusing her of loving him.

  “I did love you once, Matthew,” she admitted bravely. “But not any more. I can’t, I’m not free too.”

  “You’re free to do anything you want, Gina,” he contradicted her. “Love him, love me, anything. But you must be true to yourself and don’t tie yourself to Hastings if it’s just about trying to forget me.”

  “You’re a conceited, arrogant pig, Matthew Dark! And I don’t want you anywhere near me.”

  She turned from him but again he stopped her this time taking her in his arms and feathering kisses down her face. Gina moaned weakly and tried to push him away. She was on fire again – like before – like it had always been with him and now despite everything – all her resolve to behave differently – just a few minutes with him and she was hot and achy with need.

  “I’ve never had a pregnant woman,” he trilled wickedly in her ear. “So you can imagine my curiosity. I know how it changes your body - well, certain parts of your body,” he whispered sending the familiar hot shivers down her spine. It was his voice, that deep, velvet mesmerising voice of his was playing havoc with her emotions.

  “I know your belly swells but so do other parts of you and you’ll be soft too, soft, wet and so very good to fuck.” His tongue licked sensuously across her cheek until it found her lips and he swirled over them, nibbling and tasting. “If we were alone I could do this properly – use my tongue elsewhere – the way you like – down there, between your legs.”

  Gina’s body pulsed with need and her legs shook as he held her. The way you like. Oh God yes! She wanted him – wanted his teasing, tormenting tongue to lick and bite into her delicate flesh. She wanted him to send her into a wanton frenzy. She wanted him to take her to that place – that wonderful place just a whisper away from a glorious climax. Then he’d stop and watch her and tease a while before finally sending her over the edge. What would follow would be a wild and frantic orgasm that would transport and thrill her like nothing else ever could.

  “I want to take you, make love to you properly, thoroughly,” he added with that light in his eyes. “Come to my bed and let me pleasure you – do the things you like. I want to know what your condition has done to you. Pregnant or not you still have needs, don’t you Gina?” He tempted, leaving this seductive suggestion to echo around her brain as he fastened his lips on hers firmly and kissed her hard.

  Gina melted into his embrace and tried to blot out the directness of his words. But his hands were on her body, one was running up and down her waist and round her buttocks and making her desperate for more. She wanted him – desperate pangs of sexual hunger were clawing her back into his power and she was fast loosing the will to resist him.

  “You had your chance, Matthew,” she gasped at him once he’d let her go. “And you blew it – you don’t want me, you just want to own me – to make me your sub, some sort of sex slave, like in Italy. You do remember how it was between us – what you said you wanted from me – remember – you say and I do,” she chided throwing the words he’d once said to her back in his face.

  “Yes, but that was then. Now - I think that with the last few months to think straight - we’ve both changed,” he put to her. “You’ll never be truly happy with Hastings – he’s too bland, he doesn’t excite you. After being with me how could he?” He chuckled pulling her close again. “That may sound arrogant but it’s not meant to be. I know I’m what you need – whether you’re prepared to admit it or not.”

  His mouth plundered her lips again. She felt his tongue, demanding, forcing its way in and taking ownership. Gina felt alive, on fire with need for him and he was right – she’d never felt like this with Kyle.

  She kissed him back – what was she doing? I want to make love to you – he’d never called it love making before – he’d always been so crude – he’d always made it about nothing more than
the pursuit of sexual pleasure. So what had changed – because something had – this wasn’t the Matthew Dark she’d left on that road in Portofino?

  Chapter 3

  He held her close and showered her with more kisses as they travelled in lift up to his penthouse. Gina was fighting a battle she couldn’t win. Where Matthew was concerned she couldn’t help herself – she had always been powerless against him. But shouldn’t the baby or even Kyle make a difference? As the lift stopped she gnawed on her bottom lip – should she tell him her secret – the one she’d been keeping for months now? She felt herself flush – no, there was no way she could do that – not yet- and perhaps never.

  “The same old place,” he said pulling her inside. “Even my bed,” he smiled gently. “But you can relax, Gina,” he insisted. “I won’t be handcuffing you or tying your wrists to that ring,” he said nodding towards the large sliver disk fastened to the velvet headboard. “But I do want you,” he confirmed his voice thick with hunger. “And I know that you’re just as desperate for me too.”

  He lifted her face and looked into her eyes kissing both her cheeks softy. “Can I undress you,” he asked in a deep beguiling voice. “I want you – I want to look at you,” he ran his lips down her neck while gently rubbing the thin straps of her gown from her shoulders. She moaned in his arms her head full of chaos and raging hunger– this shouldn’t be happening – hadn’t she’d promised herself to Kyle?

  She felt his hand manoeuvre the zip, running down the back of gown then it fell loose around her body. After a single gently tug it fell into a silky emerald, puddle at her feet. She heard him gasp, she was only wearing her bra, panties and hold up stockings but his gaze was fixated on her belly.

  He stroked across her bump with the flat of his hand his dark eyes taking in every inch of her. What was he thinking? Was he regretting his decision to bring her up here now? Did he find her fat and unattractive like this? Gina slowly eased the straps of her bra down her arms and he reached behind and undid the clasp. He stood back and drunk her in. Her breasts were swollen, a voluptuous feast of flesh for his eyes and his tongue. Her peaks were large, erect with their usually pink areolas now dark and dusky surrounding them invitingly. He reached out and stroked shaky fingers over both of them his beautiful face filled with need and wonder. Then he took one in each hand, gently cupping and kneading delighting in her gasps of pleasure.

  “I have to take you, I can’t wait,” he admitted scooping her up and placing her on his bed. He tore his jacket off tossing it aside and undid his tie and threw that to the floor. “I won’t hurt you, I’ll won’t do anything but pleasure you, Gina,” he promised as he slipped her panties off. “Blonde curls,” he noted dipping his head to her sex inhaling deeply and feeling the fine fluff under his lips. “I approve,” he nodded gently opening her legs wide and kneeling between them. “You even taste different,” his voice caressed as he stroked down the cleft of her labia. Then he bent again this time tonguing her hot, slick core and probing between her folds. “Different but still so delicious,” he said licking between her them before moving the tip of his tongue to her clitoris.

  Gina whimpered and rolled her body from side to side. He was so very good – so perfect and after so long wanting him like this she gave herself up to the pleasure he was giving her. She ran her fingers through his dark hair gripping a handful as his tongue quickly worked her into a frenzy of passion – a frenzy that was fast hurtling her towards orgasm.

  But still his practised tongue swirled, flicked as he nibbled and sucked on her attentive flesh. He curled his tongue around her hardening nub slaking down the cleft of her sex. She squealed and groaned her pleasurable response. He knew now that despite her protests to the contrary that she’d missed him – really missed him because her need was obviously every bit as desperate as his.

  “Matthew,” she whispered her breathe coming in shallow gasps. “I … I can’t take much more.” She squealed again as he took the swollen bud between his teeth.

  He had no intention of hurting her but as he pulled slightly he couldn’t ignore her shrieks of delight. The pleasure had her gripped in a tight hold. She bucked her hips and closed her eyes wallowing in the blissful swell of sheer delight his mouth was heaping on her. As his tongue stroked its magic over her quivering flesh he gently pushed a single finger inside her. It was too much - it tipped the balance and sent her over that delicious edge. Gina screamed out loud and hard as her world erupted into a hot, pulsing surge of rapturous ecstasy that held her tight in its clasp for wave after wave of blissful orgasmic delight.

  When her eyes flickered open Matthew was lying naked beside her. She was nuzzled into his broad chest and his muscled arms were holding her tight.

  “I want to fuck you,” he said kissing her mouth. “Your body is so beautiful like this,” he said trailing his fingers over her bump. “For me you could stay pregnant forever,” he kissed her tenderly then slid his body down and took one of her swollen nipples into his mouth. He sucked and rolled his tongue over the fleshy nub and grazed them very gently with his teeth. “You know what I really want to do, don’t you, Gina?”

  She moaned and closed her eyes – God – how she wished she wasn’t in this condition so she could let him.

  “I want to bite – hear you squeal as the exquisite pain reaches here,” he said rubbing his fingers against her clitoris. “Then I want to take my punishing little lash and use it hard,” he added lightly slapping between her legs and making her whimper with need. “Don’t you wish I could do that, sweet girl,” he asked kissing her breasts and pushing his fingers deep inside her again.

  Gina gasped and groaned her agreement – she was so turned on her breathe caught in her throat as she tried to reply. God yes – I want to burn – to ache and hurt because you’ve tormented me into a fever of joy, was the only thought in her head. She groaned – she shouldn’t feel this way – not after everything that had happened. What’s wrong with you – why do you need him that way – why do you need him to be so harsh on your body? Because you’re that way too – and you know Kyle Hastings isn’t and that’s why he’ll never satisfy you like Matthew can.

  “Move to the edge of the bed,” his voice caressed. “I don’t want to lie on you I’m too heavy.”

  Gina wriggled down and lay with her legs spread for him. He was watching her, looking at her swollen sex and dark, dusky labia. The changes wrought by pregnancy he decided as he gently pushed two fingers back inside her and groaned. “You’re so very wet and deliciously soft,” he said feeling the damp velvet of her vaginal walls clench against him as he made for that special spot. “Ah – I have you now, I think,” he said stroking that place rhythmically and listening to her load groans of pleasure. “You like this, don’t you?” His sexy voice smoothed over her, through her as he continued to stroke and watch as she writhed with pleasure. “You’ve climaxed once – shall I make you come again, even harder, come heavy until you can take no more?”

  Her reply was nothing but a soft whimper as she raised her legs high and grasped her knees – opening herself wider for him.

  “I see the answer if yes then,” he chuckled upping the rhythm and watching her squirm in growing ecstasy in front of him.

  Finally she arched her back and shuddered, shrieking and gasping for breathe as he effortlessly took her to another climactic end. She was his – there was no way now that she could return to the mundane Kyle Hastings.

  He took one of her legs and pushed it high. Gina felt him – felt the large, intrusive head of his penis nudge insistently at her opening. She was so wet he simply sank into her, gentle but deep and she heard the male groan of satisfaction as he took her.

  The wave of pleasure she experienced as he gently thrust into her almost had her over the edge yet again. Finally, to have the acute sexual hunger she’d suffered without him slaked was taking her perilously close to what would be her third orgasm in less than an hour. Her sex gripped him, welcomed him, stretched wide and t
ook him in.

  He slid up and down inside her plunging into the very depths of her as they both moaned their pleasure in unison. Gina writhed and mewled softly - this was so different from the Matthew who’d taken her in the past. That Matthew, Hardcore Matthew, had melted now into the caring lover she’d always hoped he could be. She screamed out and flung her arms back over her head, she couldn’t last, the explosion was happening again. She called his name and then the world fragmented into a cascade of absolute pleasure that instantly transported her into a blissful trance of throbbing delight.

  “Now do you see what you’ve been missing,” his voice cajoled low and sexy in her ear. “Because I don’t think he’s ever made you feel like that, has he, Gina?”

  She turned her head and looked at him. No – and he never can - but then he’s never taken a crop to me either, were the words spinning in her head. And then there was the spanking and the rope and his chamber. But still she clung to him - could she just let all that go? She knew now that she still loved Matthew Dark but she still loved Hardcore Matthew too. She needed them both. But that was so wrong – so disloyal to Kyle and if she left him now there wouldn’t be another chance.

  “I love Kyle,” she affirmed shakily hating herself for saying the words knowing they would hurt. “And very soon I’m going to leave you and go and find him.” The words flowed from her lips easily, believably and she looked into Matthew’s dark, confident eyes. “Do you understand,” she insisted. “Because you and I don’t have any future beyond tonight – beyond this bed. I belong to Kyle and he is my future.”

  But you know that’s not true none of that will happen now, and particularly not your marriage. Were all she had in her head as she lied to him.

  “So what about me? What about the way I make you feel when I fuck you? What about all the pleasure we share?” His eyes clouded with frustration as he looked into her face and saw her resolve. “What about us, Gina?” Matthew asked?